Costs to manage a data breach including IT forensic expertise, Public Relations professionals and legal expenses in addition to the costs incurred notifying customers of a breach.
You have a company laptop stolen with important customer information. The breach needs to be reported to ICO, each customer will need to be notified, credit monitoring services set up, claims to defend for losing clients information. Your reputation is questioned in local press.
A data record is essentially each individual person who can be identified through pieces of information you have stored either physically or in the cloud.
They're typically comprised of such details as name, email or address but any information that could indentify an individual makes up a data record.
In agreeing to insure you and in setting the terms and premium, we have relied on the information you have given us. You must provide a fair presentation of the risk and must take care when answering any questions we ask by ensuring that all information provided is accurate and complete. A fair presentation is one which clearly discloses in a reasonably clear and accessible manner all material facts which you (including your senior management and those responsible for arranging this insurance) know or ought to know following a reasonable search.
If we establish that you deliberately or recklessly failed to present the risk to us fairly, we may treat this policy as if it never existed and refuse to make any payment under it. You must reimburse all payments already made by us and we will be entitled to retain all premiums paid.
If we establish that you failed to present the risk to us fairly but that your failure was not deliberate or reckless, the remedy we will have available to us will depend upon what we would have done had you made a fair presentation of the risk, as follows:
You must tell us as soon as reasonably possible of any change in circumstances during the period of insurance which may materially affect this policy (a material fact or circumstance is one which might affect our decision to provide insurance or the conditions of that insurance). We may then change the terms and conditions of this policy or cancel it in accordance with the Cancellation condition.
If we establish that you deliberately or recklessly failed to:
we may treat this policy as if it no longer existed from the date of such change of circumstances and refuse to make any payment under it in respect of any claim made or any loss occurring after that date.
If we establish that you failed to notify us of a change of circumstances or to make a fair presentation of the risk to us when providing us with information in relation to a change of circumstances, but that your failure was not deliberate or reckless, the remedy we will have available to us will depend upon what we would have done had you fairly presented the change of circumstances to us, as follows:
You can cancel your policy online or we can cancel the policy by giving 30 days’ written notice. We will give you a pro-rata refund of the premium (minus admin charge) for the remaining portion of the period of insurance after the effective date of cancellation for which you have already paid. However, we will not refund any premium under £20.
If we have agreed that you can pay us the premium by instalments and we have not received an instalment 14 days after the due date, we may cancel the policy. In this event, the period of insurance will equate to the period for which premium instalments have been paid to us. We will confirm the cancellation and amended period of insurance to you in writing.
The following claims conditions apply to the whole of this policy. You must also comply with the conditions shown in each section of the policy under the heading Your obligations.
If you or anyone entitled to cover in respect of any claim or loss, or anyone on behalf of you or such other person, tries to deceive us by deliberately giving us false information or making a fraudulent claim under this policy then:
This does not affect your rights in relation to any claim made or loss occurring before the date of any fraudulent act or claim or the provision of such false information.
Where this policy provides cover for any individual who, or entity that, is not a party to the policy, and where such an individual or entity (or anyone on their behalf) tries to deceive us by deliberately giving us false information or making a fraudulent claim under this policy, our rights set out in 3. above apply only to any individual or entity that gave the false information or made the fraudulent claim.
We do not pay for any claims, losses, breaches, privacy investigations or threats due to:
We will also not make payment:
We may reduce any payment we make equal to the detriment we have suffered if you:
You must:
If you fail to do so, you shall be liable to us for an amount equal to the detriment we have suffered as a result of your failure to comply with this obligation, which we may deduct from any payment we make under this policy.